Thursday, February 13, 2020

Discussion 2 KJr Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion 2 KJr - Essay Example ensibly illuminates that in "front-seat driving," an individual engages in an active and purposeful thinking process while in "back-seat driving," the individual’s mind is passive and the thinking process is associational. In "front-seat driving," the individual directs and controls each thinking process taking note of signs and the overall progression of the thinking process just as a driver would take full and sentient control of the car. Contrary, in "back-seat driving," an individual is merely a passive contemplator, not directing the development of his thought but notes whatever his subconscious feeds him hence the conclusion that they finally reach in their thinking process is directed by random images, memories and emotions rather than reasoning. I have seen this happen in class when the instructor asks students to think why they fail in certain modules. Most of them end up thinking temporarily about their passing friends, difficulty of the content and their family backgrounds in a jumbled and illogical manner that is never conclusive or illuminative. In the scale, the unfocused side is characterized by a state of bewilderment, of mental fog while the focused side is characterized by luminous awareness, mental clarity, and consciousness. However, our ability to focus resembles a dimmer light switch since many people are in the intermediate categories between focused and unfocused. The level of ‘focus’ is continuum and not only ‘focused’ or

Saturday, February 1, 2020

American Expansionism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Expansionism - Essay Example In the period from 1890 to 1920, the US economy functioned in an optimal manner achieving impressive results. In 1900, the US had 38 percent of world’s wealth, which is 13 percent more than Britain. This economic might enabled leaders to pursue expansionism and importantly financed it as well. â€Å"Economic power set the foundations of American power, facilitating leaders to pursue ‘grand’ policies† (Efthymiou). The other related cause is that the US wanted to further develop its economy, which they wanted to achieve by capturing and tapping resources-rich territories. That is, after capturing and entering newer territories, the US looked for key resources or materials, which can be sold separately or can be used to manufacture finished goods. Those finished good were sold or exported to various countries thereby developing its economy. â€Å"†¦expansionism was driven by the idea that the American economy needs to grow continuously† (Johnston 1 89). The third cause which initiated expansionism was the strengthening of its naval wing. The US’s Navy Admiral of that period, Alfred Thayer Mahan only emphasized â€Å"the need for a powerful navy and the creation of â€Å"coaling stations† in strategic regions with significance in world trade† (Efthymiou). When this started actualizing, the US became confident in its expansion plans. The US expanded its role and influence through three ways namely imperialism or armed conflicts, international diplomacy, and through the construction of the Panama Canal. In 1898, the US declared a war on Spanish territories in the Caribbean and totally dismantled the waning Spanish Empire. So by evicting Spain, the US fortified its advantageous grip on the Caribbean, built a naval base in Cuba, and even annexed Puerto Rico (Efthymiou). It further extended its influence into the Pacific by capturing Philippines and Guam. The US also expanded its influence by actively